Join the club and participate!
Experience in the most fun, educational and safe way what it's like to take the wellbeing of your Doodle into your OWN hands!
Are you joining in???
- Are you totally smitten with your Doodle?
- And do you want the very best for him?
- Wanna learn how to keep your Doodle healthy, happy & tangle free all by yourSELF?
- But are you anxious to take the plunge?
- And could you use some help and support getting over those first hurdles?

Then join the Comfort & Care Introduction workshop!
And experience for 1 week TOGETHER WITH OTHER DOODLE DOERS, IN THE MOST ACCESSIBLE AND FUN WAY, what it's like to groom, trim and give care to your Doodle yourself!

What are we going to do?
Hi, I’m Wanda, Doodle Grooming Expert, or as I like to call myself, the Doodle Transformation Coach, because Doodle Comfort is so much more than just optimal coat care. 12 years ago, I started giving the first grooming workshops for Doodle owners and sharing information about Doodle coat care online because nothing was available at that time. Nowadays, there is SO MUCH information out there by SO MANY different “experts” that Doodle get confused on what to do and how to do it.
That’s why I’ve come up with something fun!
Every month, I organize a special online Doodle Comfort & Care Introduction Workshop to help you improve the well-being of your Doodle or Poodle mix breed and to experience what it’s like to take the grooming and health of your dog into your own hands.
This not only increases your understanding of what your Doodle needs and boosts your confidence to take on the task of becoming a beginner Coat and Care Expert for your dog. By the end of the week, you will also know exactly what YOU need to make informed choices for the well-being of your Doodle.
How does it work?
Once you register through the payment form below, you will be redirected to a special page where you can find some introductory information, the link to the online learning platform, and the contact details for the WhatsApp or Messenger (depending on where you live) group, where you can introduce yourself and your Doodle, ask any pressing questions, and sign up.
On the first of every month, you will receive access to the Introduction Workshop via the link, and for five days, you will receive a lesson each day about how to improve the condition of your Doodle’s body, meaning how you can keep him happy, healthy, and tangle-free all by yourself.
During the week, you can post photos, make comments, ask questions in the group, and most importantly, share your experiences with other “Doodle Doers”.
On the last day of the week, we’ll have a Q&A call where you can ask any questions you may have, share how taking the well-being of your Doodle into your own hands has worked for you using my tips and tools. Plus, I’ll offer you a completely free, special, attractive, one-time deal to help you take the next step, without any obligation.
What do you get?

- 4 e-books to obtain insight into what optimal Doodle coat care entails
- Podcast: "6 Reasons why your Doodle still gets matted despite brushing."
- One lesson on how to brush your Doodle effectively & efficiently, including an instructional video
- One lesson on how to professionally bath and dry of your Doodle and how to use a pet dryer in the right way, including instruction video
- One lesson on Doodle health, how diseases develop, and what you as a Doodle owner can do (differently) yourself
- 2 trial trim lessons including instructional videos
- Onbeperkt toegang tot de online leeromgeving om alles terug te kunnen lezen/kijken
- 1 trimadvies op maat o.b.v. een recente foto van je Doodle
- Access to the Comfort & Care Club Whatsapp group where you can ask all your questions during the workshop week
- Gift voucher for €20,00 discount on the online "Tangle Tackle" workshop (making the Comfort & Care workshop basically for FREE)
- The invaluable enrichment of sharing experiences with other Doodle Doers and learning from each other!
How to proceed?
I am hoping to get as many Doodle owners as possible!
So you have the opportunity to share your experiences with lots of different people and learn from both them and me.
For the lowest workshop price ever!
So sign up now, share this link ( with other Doodle and Poodle mix breed owners via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Let’s have some fun while you learn how to give your pet the best care!
Click on one of the buttons to go to the payment form, leave your details there, and after payment, you will immediately get access to the starter page. I hope to meet you soon in the group!