Is your Doodle your soulmate?

When you first saw your Doodle, was it love at first sight? Did he come looking for you? Or did you “coincidentally” get the pup you felt the most click with?

Even if the breeder is the one who decides which puppy you get, I hear an astonishing number of stories about how “coincidentally” the right Doodle ended up in the right family. Magical, right?

The higher reason why your Doodle came into your life

I always say: “You don’t always get the dog you want, but you do get the one that suits you best.” And by that I mean that your Doodle came into your life for a reason. As a highly sensitive, highly conscious person, I believe very strongly in so-called “soul contracts”: that you as a soul have already made agreements with other souls (specific persons, but also animals) BEFORE this life to find and help each other in THIS life. . One way or the other. And while I have always believed that dogs are here on Earth to assist people (not the other way around, unfortunately), I have been completely convinced of this since the arrival and massive popularity of Doodles. Because although we humans are here to experience certain life lessons, the experience of which we then take back with us, so that we as souls can grow in consciousness, I believe that we do NOT have to do this alone. That we are not alone, but that we have a kind of soul family that helps us, part of which is in tangible form and part in intangible form. How lucky are we?

So our life here on Earth is about us. And I just want to emphasize that, because it is very important and we sometimes want to forget: it is about us. And that we stand in our power in whatever way is asked of us (to learn the lessons that we have determined we want to learn for (and by) our Self, or rather to have the life experiences that we have for ourselves as an intention). Some spiritual people say that the Earth is not a school, but in the context of gaining life experiences in order to grow in consciousness, the school concept seems very appropriate to me. The further you are in your spiritual growth, the more it comes down to your self-leadership. So again: yes, you will be helped with your task or soul purpose, but… because of the free will that we have been given (and which can also steer our lives in a completely wrong/different direction) we have to do it ourselves. Taking the helm and therefore deciding for ourselves what life we want to lead.

The limiting beliefs that guide us

This last part is very important to me, because I have had a life full of self-sabotage and am only now beginning to discover that everything that happened is my own fault. This is immediately a lesson in the Law of Attraction: you manifest what you broadcast. And usually that is more negative than positive, because we simply radiate more negative energies than positive ones. More energies that hinder us than help us get what we want. And now I wanted to write “why do you think the world is so unequally divided in terms of wealth and poverty?”, but I know that would make a few eyebrows frown. Because there are a lot of people who do not want to accept this concept and are not ready for it yet. The idea that you have EVERYTHING under your control is too confrontational for many people. For example, my parents would immediately say that they really didn’t have a choice about certain things and that some things just have to be done. And this reflects many limiting beliefs that probably do not come from themselves, but from their parents or the generation before them.

Old-fashioned beliefs that seem to be brought upon them by the church in the early days or devastational war influences. But many people think this way, because many people would rather act as victims than fight and stand up for what they DO want. Because that is the difficult part, but also the most powerful part, the magical part, the most attractive, rewarding and challenging part. The part that I have felt all my life is possible in my life and that many changemakers feel is true… and therefore they work towards it WITH ALL THE RISKS that entails. Because there are no guarantees in life (except that you will die one day), You just have to take the plunge and see for yourself. And there it is again, the word SELF. For me with a capital S, because I believe that we are guided by our soul in everything we do. At least if we do it right. Because before we get there, we do most things out of our minds and those limiting beliefs that are making a racket in there. And as long as we do that, we are in the cycle of SELF-sabotage. We sabotage our SELVES and therefore our lives. The way it could (and should) be: wonderful, joyous and abundant. And, above all happy! The things we are all longing for, but which seem so far out of reach for most of us. Because we think that we can manifest our dream life by using our minds… but it doesn’t work like that. Even though we have learned otherwise from an early age, because the entire society is mind and intellect-oriented) you will NEVER be able to manifest true happiness by using your mind. Simply because your mind cannot feel. And in order to realize something that makes you happy, you FIRST have to be able to feel and internalize or embody that joy. This and ONLY this is how you create heaven (or Paradise) on Earth.

Labradoodle spirituality

All the invisible ways your Doodle helps you

And that requires a lot of SELF leadership. Not in the way that we have all learned (achievement, success, power/dominance, status, wealth, survival, competition, fighting, studying, getting diplomas, working your way up in the pecking order), but from your true power. The power that comes from WITHIN (and not from without, as many people try to appease themselves with materialism, addictions, work-a-holism, etc.). I believe that is the journey we all have to take.

The journey in which we return home to ourSelf. It starts with us. We are the sun around which the Earth revolves. And at this time it is especially important that the women among us take on their SELF leadership again. Because we have allowed ourselves to be kept small for far too long, causing the masculine energy to break loose and create the world as it is. We are called upon to understand what it means to be a woman again. And how we can bring balance to this downturn. I’ll write more about this later, but I believe THAT is why the Doodles came into our lives.

  • First, to help you remember that you are just as sensitive as he is
  • Secondly: to make you aware of all your inner beliefs that still keep you small
  • Thirdly: to inspire you to feel what it means to fully embrace your womanhood again
  • Fourth: as a small piece of micro nature, to let you experience what it is like to start caring for nature again and reconnect with Mother Nature (something that we women have done naturally for centuries and that we have now moved so far away from). )
  • Fifth: to reflect to you how DIFFERENT the world and your life could be

The power of (Self) love

The key element in this whole story is the piece of SELF-love. The beginning and end of all evil.

Because just consider how your lack of self-love compares to everything I’ve written so far. I believe that SELF-love is the key to all happiness. Of positive manifestation, of living your dream life. And I ALSO believe that almost no one here on Earth really loves themselves, as is intended, because then we would probably not incarnate anymore. Everyone on Earth (with some exceptions who have probably already learned this lesson) has an inferiority complex. We MUST, because from infancy on we are taught that we are not enough, that we are not valuable, that our worth depends on external conditions that others determine.

Everything we have been given in this society is based on protecting yourself against insecurity, which is a lack of love. If we all felt loved, we would feel confident and safe in all cases. Then the world would be light and never dark again. Think about it! Having an abundance of SELF-love is inherent in having/demonstrating SELF-leadership. And if those in power would rule from SELF-love (they would probably not aspire to that power at all), the world would look TOTALLY different. All current displays of power (wars, oppression, the government, the big companies that are in charge, you name it) are firstly an excess of testosterone and secondly a shortage of SELF-love (and perhaps the two are related , because wouldn’t a good dose of oxytocin also have a dampening effect on an excess of testosterone?).

The love energy is equal to feminine energy, but because we have allowed ourselves to be oppressed and made to feel inferior, guilty and ashamed (for being a woman and especially our feminine sexual energy) by the church and the patriarchy. And because that still has consequences for how we think about ourselves, our bodies and sexuality, but also spirituality), we have NOT been able to claim our rightful place and therefore NOT keep the male energy in balance. Most women still feel smaller than they are and although that is changing, there is still a lot to be gained. A lot!

Enter the Doodles, because as living teddy bears, the sixth aspect they do for us is perhaps the most powerful:

A. they emotionally remind us of what it was like to be a child, when all we needed was a hug to feel loved (which many of us missed or didn’t get enough of)

B. they give us the UNCONDITIONAL love to reflect that we are worth it and especially that we can and must give it to OURSELVES too (because as within, so without and vice versa: the outside world is a mirror for what we desire inside and for how we are in disbalance within). In other words: receiving love from someone else is nice, but it is mainly intended to teach us what still stands in the way of receiving and especially giving that love to OURSELVES…Others can’t heal us (that emptiness inside us). Only we can heal ourSELVES.

Because everything starts with us. With you and with me.

I hope you found this blog inspiring. This is my way of integrating both my companies DoodleComfort and InnerPower Healing into my inner truth, because the key words for woman empowerment are SELF-love and SELF-leadership. Two things the world seriously needs right now. So whether you have a Doodle as a mirror or not, the message remains the same. I just believe that IF you have a Doodle, that message is extra urgent, because it probably means that you are JUST AS highly sensitive as your Doodle. Which in turn means that EVERYTHING that affects your Doodle in this mind-oriented society ALSO affects you. And because there is a good chance that you have become so far removed from your feelings and intuition (which is what being a woman IS) during your life, your Doodle has come to you to help you re-member and inspire you to increase your SELF- leadership. Because we need change and that change starts with you. It’s time for transformation!

But….as within, so without. You cannot bring about transformation if you are not yet balanced within. And that is also where your Doodle comes into play: it is not without reason that your Doodle has such a tangle-sensitive coat that even many professionals do not know how to deal with (let alone knowing how to deal with their sensitive body and mind) : all aspects that require your SELF leadership). If you want to save your Doodle the necessary stress, pain and discomfort, you should learn to trim it YOURSELF. And not just with clippers, so that you can get rid of the coat as quickly as possible, neglecting your Doodle’s sensitive nature, But in a way that asks you to be the best version of yourself to transform your Doodle into the best version of itself. That you connect with him, like you have never connected with your Doodle before. By taking the time to groom him step by step in the natural, fluffy way you love, so that your heart opens when you look at him and touch his cuddly coat. By learning to sense how he feels and what he needs, in a way you have never done before, thus awakening your intuition again.

Your Doodle shows his true colors on the grooming table, so if you manage to get him to calm down there and surrender to you out of trust, then your true SELF leadership will come out of the shell. This strengthens the bond with your Doodle on all fronts. But your Doodle is ALSO a mirror for your energy (of which you are often NOT aware). So everything that is not in balance within you, all your limiting beliefs that put a stop to your good intentions, come to the surface during grooming (also in the further interaction with your Doodle, but even more so on the table). That’s why your Doodle is the perfect life coach and that’s also why it’s such a missed opportunity if you let someone else groom it (often with undesirable results). You raise each other! And especially if your Doodle has adopted your patterns (which happens from puppy age on), this is a great opportunity for SELF-healing. Because when you are balanced, your Doodle is too. If you are healthy, your Doodle will probably be healthy TOO (more on this in another blog).

Universal truth is that simple. THAT is the true meaning of DoodleComfort and DoodleComfortable Living. I bet you’ve never heard anyone talk about Doodles this way 😊But it’s the reason I started DoodleComfort 12 years ago (although it took me years of personal and spiritual development to really put my finger on this to be able to make the connection and see the connection with my intentions as a healer and consciousness coach)…but that connection is definitely there. Only it requires a different way of looking at reality (but that is one of the parts of my soul purpose: to let you experience the light/sunny side of life)

Have you become enthusiastic about all the possibilities and are you eager to start grooming and trimming your Doodle yourself? Then I have created the perfect training courses for you: aimed at promoting your SELF-reliance and therefore your SELF-leadership

Just take a look at the website link below.

Thank you for your attention, have fun trimming and see you in the next Doodle Transformation blog!


Doodle Transformation coach

Are you ready to take the first step towards a stronger bond with your Doodle and a more Doodlecomfortable life for both of you?

Great! 🙂
Because I have made it as easy as possible for you to learn how to DIY trim your Doodle or Oodle in the natural, fluffy look you love WITHOUT shaving: making him look like an adorable puppy forever more!

Check out my offer HERE! or start with my incredibly low prized Tangle Tackle Introduction course to FIRST learn how to keep your Doodle tangle free in an easy and painless way WITHOUT shaving. Then decide if you want to proceed and also learn the fluffy trimming part. But of course, you can also start by checking out the FREE trial video’s to get your first low threshold DIY grooming experience.

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Didn’t you come here to find a solution to your Doodle’s coat problems?

Well, if you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere, because DoodleComfort is built to help you take your Doodle’s wellbeing into your own hands, STARTING with an optimal coat care!

To prove that to you I have developed a special LOW PRICED introduction course that will teach you to tackle the biggest Doodle coat care problem: tangles & mats, in the best, easiest, natural, painless, stress free and especially WITHOUT shaving in 3 steps! Teaching you unique skills (that most groomers DON’T know and use) that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Curious to find out? Be quick because this is a one time offer! 

Please click on the button below to get started TODAY!
