Online Tangle Tackle challenge: How to easily keep your Doodle tangle-free and fluffy WITHOUT clipping.

Then I have a great deal for you: the best, cheapest most fun way of learning how to DIY keep your Doodle tangle free once and for all!

Please note, this workshop starts on June 1st and you can only register for the special challenge deal NOW, so read on...

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You have brought a Doodle puppy into your home and you are thoroughly enjoying its presence. He is everything you wished for and so much more. You want to take care of him, protect him and give him the best that you can offer. You are doing everything right and taking all the steps to assure a healthy and happy life for your puppy. Coat maintenance is a breeze because your puppy seems to only need an occasional brushing and nothing more. So, a few months pass by, and everything seems fine.

Until the first grooming appointment… After leaving your beautiful fluffy puppy at the grooming salon and counting the hours until you can pick him up, you get into the car with a racing heart wondering if you will recognize him. When you finally see him, he looks nothing like the adorable Doodle you fell in love with.

This is the first blow you have to process.
To make things worse, you are told that you need to brush him better next time. You go home feeling defeated, wondering what the … you did wrong.

This is what the first grooming experience looks like for the majority of Labradoodle owners: a disappointment for you and possibly even a traumatic experience for your pup.

Online course “How to keep your Doodle tangle-free & fluffy WITHOUT clipping”


If there is anything you want to start as early as possible as a Labradoodle or Poodle mix breed owner, it is learning to prevent and remove tangles and mats yourself.

If you don’t, there is a good chance that your Doodle will come back unrecognizable or even clipped bald from the dog groomer (or develop skin problems which is even worse).

Too often I hear “we brush him regularly, but the tangles seem to appear overnight.”

Owners have the best intentions, think they are doing well, but still go horribly wrong.

Just like my client Linda with her Doodle Noara experienced:

“We had waited too long for a good haircut and at some point the hair became so long that it began to mat everywhere. Wet weather (what a summer . . .) and a young guest dog who played with her all day long aided in the process. The breeder had warned us that the fur will eventually begin to get tangled and that you should keep a close eye on it because you don’t want to shave the dog.”

She came to my workshop with a matted Noara, learned how to easily and painlessly remove all of the tangles and even how to beautifully trim her herself (without shaving or making ugly scissors marks), and left with a backpack full of knowledge, insights, skills and the right tools, with one strong resolution:

“Detangling took a lot of time and effort, from now on, I will invest that in prevention!”

Now, many years later, Linda (just like the hundreds of other Doodle and Water Dog owners I’ve been able to help) still enjoys keeping her Doodle tangle-free, fluffy and healthy herself and she enjoys it every time she receives compliments from people in the neighborhood while walking with Noara.

Something she never expected of herself.

But Linda is not the only one...

Far too often, I receive emails or read Facebook posts from pet owners who:

“I am shocked that, despite all the information on the Internet, many Doodles are still forcibly shaved. 

Simply because that information is incorrect and incomplete.

That’s why I’m going to do something very unique to offer Doodle owners all over the world the skills to get and keep their Doodle tangle-free once and for all!

Please check the audio I made to find out what it is!

Labradoodle klitten

Tough love alert!
Because I want EVERY Doodle owner to have these skills and knowledge, so that you, your groomer and especially your Doodle can have a more comfortable life, I offer this unique Tangle Tackle challenge for the lowest possible price. In the hope that your enthusiasm will ALSO convince other Doodle owners and we will start a whole Doodle detangling craze together. BUT every change starts with ourSelves, so because I want you to get there FIRST, you will only see this page once! As soon as you close the page, the URL will automatically jump back to the original training of $ 149.00

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What do you receive for just $49.00?

Labradoodle fleece vacht

Receive a 100% money-back guarantee if after following the instructions you still don't know how to remove and prevent tangles naturally

What will you learn for just $49.00 that will change your life and your Doodle's life forever?

These are all things that you will not learn at any grooming workshop, because the subject matter and techniques come from working with Water Dogs. So even IF you want to do a workshop somewhere else or have already done one in the past, the skills of this challenge are indispensable!

And that for the lowest price you will ever find!

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This is a small preview of what you are going to learn:

Never again tangles, no clipping ever again AND saving lots of money on grooming is that possible?

Fully self-reliant by learning how to properly treat your Doodle’s coat.


Just 3 simple techniques can help you keep your Doodle’s coat airy, fluffy, and tangle-free.

  1. You need to know how and with what to brush your Doodle’s coat efficiently and effectively (this is often overlooked)
  2. You need to know how to remove tangles and mats invisibly, painlessly, and stress-free (most owners and groomers lack this skill)
  3. You need to know how to optimally thin the thick and fluffy underlayer of the coat so that the coat becomes airier, cooler, and less prone to tangling (this is THE trick of the trade that MAKES all the difference)

Most groomers skip these techniques due to lack of time, knowledge, or skills…but these 3 techniques make a world of difference to make your Doodle look its best and keep the coat tangle-free longer.

And I’m going to teach them to you!

“My Doodle has a light coat that tangles easily. That’s why he always came back from the groomer looking ugly and I wanted to learn to do it myself. The methods Wanda uses to thin and detangle the coat are very nice. Because the tangles come loose faster, it’s much gentler for your Doodle than pulling on his fur and skin. It also looks better than just cutting off the tangle, now you don’t see chunks of his fur missing. Understanding how the tools work makes an immediate difference. I enjoyed trimming my own Doodle and as soon as my own table and tools arrive, I’m going to try it solo right away. Of course, with the help of Wanda’s instructional videos.”

Diana with Doodle Mika

“An Australian Labradoodle/cobberdog should look like a Labradoodle and not like a shaved poodle. Shaving it short may be easier in terms of care, but it takes the character out of the dog. This was a good reason for me to look for someone who understands that. Wanda’s website spoke the right words. I am not someone who goes to workshops, I am too impatient and skeptical, ‘seeing is believing’.
The workshop was exhausting but amazing. I gained a better feeling for Nobel’s hair, solutions for tangles, brushing, and coat grooming. The tools are essential, but so is Wanda’s decisiveness and experience. In the end, Nobel still looked like the beautiful Labradoodle that we love so much and can’t do without. Wanda really lives up to her beautiful words on her website: she does what she promises and knows what she’s doing!”

Henriëtte with Doodle Nobel

Will you make your Doodle happy???

Most owners only know how to “handle” tangles and mats in their Doodle’s coat by cutting them out with straight scissors or shaving them off, or by endlessly brushing and pulling at the hair

  • Not only does this leave big patches that take a long time to grow back
  • It also makes the skin more vulnerable to allergies, wounds, and so on
  • Moreover, all that pulling on the skin and hair is very painful and uncomfortable for your Doodle
  • And for many Doodles, a reason to resist in any form

This challenge gives you the knowledge, insights, and skills to prevent and remove tangles and mats WITHOUT CUTTING CHUNKS OF HAIR, WITHOUT CLIPPING YOUR DOODLE BALD AND WITHOUT CAUSING YOUR DOODLE STRESS AND PAIN.

A MUST-HAVE for evey Doodle parent! 

So if you want the very best for your Doodle? And you want to avoid him being shaved, at all costs? Then this is the best first step you can take, with the best, most beautiful and natural result (no silicone-containing sprays that suffocate the coat, just learning to use the right tools in the right way…that’s it!

These are a few LIVE examples of customers who can now keep their Doodle tangle-free and fluffy themselves through the Tangle Tackle method.

And here are some in Dutch (which I naturally have a lot more of 😉

So are you ready to make your life and that of your Doodle much more comfortable TODAY?

Take advantage of the special introductory discount and sign up NOW!

Your Doodle will be ever so grateful (and so will your groomer 😉

Hope to see you there!

Please don't leave yet!

Didn’t you come here to find a solution to your Doodle’s coat problems?

Well, if you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere, because DoodleComfort is built to help you take your Doodle’s wellbeing into your own hands, STARTING with an optimal coat care!

To prove that to you I have developed a special LOW PRICED introduction course that will teach you to tackle the biggest Doodle coat care problem: tangles & mats, in the best, easiest, natural, painless, stress free and especially WITHOUT shaving in 3 steps! Teaching you unique skills (that most groomers DON’T know and use) that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Curious to find out? Be quick because this is a one time offer! 

Please click on the button below to get started TODAY!
