Doodle Vitaal trim training 2023

Then I'm looking for you!

How would you like to earn your money from now on with your own dream company, as a specialized Doodletrimster in your region?

To set your own time, help the nicest customers and spend your days in the company of your favorite four-legged friends: Labradoodles!

That dream can now become a reality.

DoodleComfort is looking for enthusiastic Doodle owners who don’t just want to become a Doodle groomer, but want to be the best Doodle groomer they can be. With all the skills and know-how that are distinctive for a real one Doodle Comfort Doodle trimster.

This year the Doodle Comfort Doodle Vitaal trim training new style will start.

With 1 on 1 guidance, so all the personal attention you need to learn all the tricks of the trade and master the necessary skills through and through.

There is room for a maximum of 6 starter students who want to learn all the ins and outs of the profession for 1 year and who want to start their own successful company such as Doodle trimster under the Doodle comfort wings.

Something for you? Then quickly read on…

As a specialized Doodle and Waterdog groomer I give the first and only DoodleComfort training in the Netherlands!

Especially for Doodle owners, like you, who love the breed and would like to find a new way of life within their greatest passion: Doodles!

This is a unique opportunity for you to specialize in the challenging coats of these beautiful dogs with their very cuddly appearance and character.

2022 is YOUR year!

This is your year!

If you’ve ever considered becoming a Doodle groomer, there’s no better year than 2021.

Never before have so many Doodles been bought than in the past year. And still. Breeders will have overcrowded waiting lists for the next 2 years and all those dogs will soon have to be trimmed.

The dog grooming profession has always been popular, but being a Doodle groomer is the cream of the crop. Not only because they are wonderful dogs to work with (and you as owner can understand that like no other), also because there are still few REALLY GOOD Doodle groomers who know how to trim a Doodle as a Doodle (and not as a a poodle or anything that doesn’t look like a Doodle). And because most Doodletrimmers are already full NOW, there will soon be a surplus of Doodles that need YOU. So if there was ever a time to completely change the course of your life, it’s NOW!

Let me introduce myself first, so you know who you're dealing with.

“I am Wanda Klomp: life coach, writer and dog groomer, specialized in Doodles and Water Dogs.

In 2011 I was the first “Doodle Trimster” in the Netherlands to put the subject of fur care on the map. I wanted to make owners self-reliant in giving optimal care to their Doodle and help them strengthen the bond with their dog. I started writing websites, blogs, articles and ebooks, put before and after videos on YouTube and the first FB page for Doodle owners set up.

By developing special Doodle & Waterdog grooming workshops for owners, selling online training and publishing my book in Dutch and English, I have been able to help hundreds of owners at home and abroad in 10 years to keep their Doodle healthy, happy, tangle-free and beautiful to keep fluffy.

I’ve broken down the grooming process into bite-sized chunks with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions so you too can learn how to groom your pooch yourself again like the fluffy pup you once fell in love with.”

All good things come in threes

This training is completely unique!

DoodleComfort is more than fur care. It is based on the comfort of the owners AND the comfort of Doodles. And this is not just a Doodletrimmer course, it’s a DoodleComfort Doodletrimmer course. An education in which you learn much more than just optimal fur care, but in which you learn to work holistically, according to 3 pillars, which not only immediately distinguishes you from other groomers, but also immediately gives you an edge with your customers:


The 3 pillars of the DoodleComfort Doodletrimster training

Coat care in general

You will learn everything you need to know to give each coat the right pre-treatment, to remove and prevent tangles. You will learn how to pluck ears painlessly and stress-free, how to trim nails and all the other basic skills that every good Doodle groomer needs

Coat shaping

You will learn how to trim each Doodle and Water Dog back to a fluffy puppy without shaving, so that they always look their natural best, with the correct body proportions and a head that best reflects their special character

Doodle Welfare & Health

Because Doodles are very sensitive to all kinds of ailments and diseases, you will learn everything you need to look at furs and the Doodles you have on the table with a different eye. You learn how diseases arise and what many owners do to subconsciously undermine the health of their Doodle, so that you can give good advice for this. How to recognize disease symptoms and how to give the right, natural remedies to stop further disease progression and where possible to reverse it.

This is an enrichment of the training (and your skills later) that is completely UNIQUE in the whole world.



All day between the Doodles; who doesn't want that?

Do you enjoy your own Doodle so much that you can't imagine a better life than spending the whole day among these wonderful cuddly wonders?

Then this is your chance!!

As a specialized Doodletrimmer, your food is bought!

Most current dog groomers have learned the trade on poodles and have little or no experience with trimming Doodles and Water Dogs. The result: short-shaven Doodles, Doodles cut like a poodle or Doodles that no longer look like a Doodle, because the groomer in question does not have the right skills to keep a Doodle a Doodle. In short: most Doodle owners are absolutely not waiting for this!

In addition, many groomers do not know how to handle a Doodle. Not only in terms of coat, but also in terms of personality and sensitivity.

That is why this training is NOT intended for experienced or aspiring dog groomers, but for owners who love the breed and would like to find a new way of life within their greatest passion: Doodles!

And with all the new Doodles that will populate the Dutch soil in the coming months, you as a DoodleComfort Doodletrimster can tap into a completely new market.

This is how you can trim later:

Under the DoodleComfort umbrella

As part of the DoodleComfort team, your meal is bought even faster!

Not only do you end up in a market where there is still a lot of demand for good Doodletrimmers, you can immediately use the name and contact list that I have built up in 9 years.

In addition, during the training I will regularly report online about the grooming activities of my Doodletrimmers-to-be and make various promotional efforts to give as much publicity as possible to my team.

This way you jump into the deep end in a safe way (with floaties on) and you can leave the big work (generating customers and marketing) to me.

No need for your own grooming salon

Have you always dreamed of your own grooming salon, but don't you feel like doing a whole dog grooming course first, where you learn to trim all dog breeds, while Doodles only make you happy?

That’s fine, because as an all-round dog groomer I specialized in Doodles & Water Dogs, because I A. found it a challenge to get those coats nice and fluffy again and B. I simply feel the most between Doodles and Water Dogs “ feel at home.

If you don’t do what makes you happy, you can’t make your customers happy either, so dealing with Doodles and Water Dogs works both ways. Success assured!

Especially, because I coach you in setting up your business, so that you don’t become a 13 in a dozen trimster, but you immediately stand head and shoulders above the mowing field and you can go for the customers YOU want to work with the most, with an income that makes you happy.

And you have no idea how to get a salon?

No worries! The whole idea of this attractive concept is that you can get started right away with little cost.

Curious how that works? I’d love to tell you ALL about it.

Are you already wagging with enthusiasm?

So… are you fed up with your current job? Are you looking for a way of life in which you feel completely "at home" and where you are fully guided to become the Doodle groomer you know you can and want to be?

Are you ready to give your life a completely new turn and to use 2022 to realize your dream life, whatever that looks like for you?

Register NOW to receive more information and who knows, I may soon welcome you as an aspiring DoodleComfort Doodletrimster.

Doodletrimster Wanda Klomp

YES, I really want to become a DoodleVitaal groomer. Send me more info!

Please don't leave yet!

Didn’t you come here to find a solution to your Doodle’s coat problems?

Well, if you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere, because DoodleComfort is built to help you take your Doodle’s wellbeing into your own hands, STARTING with an optimal coat care!

To prove that to you I have developed a special LOW PRICED introduction course that will teach you to tackle the biggest Doodle coat care problem: tangles & mats, in the best, easiest, natural, painless, stress free and especially WITHOUT shaving in 3 steps! Teaching you unique skills (that most groomers DON’T know and use) that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Curious to find out? Be quick because this is a one time offer! 

Please click on the button below to get started TODAY!
