This is your FREE e-book!

Welcome to your new, DoodleComfortable life!

Congratulations on taking the first step to a more comfortable life for you and your Doodle…in ways you have never ever imagined!

This e-book consists of 2 parts: first I explain how much more is involved in optimal care of your Doodle than just coat care AND what taking the (coat) care into your own hands will bring you, far beyond just saving money on regular grooming costs and what you may think at this moment. After I have made that part cristal clear to you , you will find a link to my “6 Secrets to keep your Doodle tangle-free & fluffy” e-book, which has been the primary go to for many Doodle owners for years and will help you in keeping your Doodle tangle free as well. 

Because I don’t believe in email marketing, which means that your entire inbox gets filled with emails that you most likely don’t want, I would like to ask you to join my Doodle Transformers FaceBook group where I will regularly post new articles . I hope to see you there!

If you no longer have FaceBook, I would like to invite you to contact me via Whatsapp (0031-629522130) and send a clear, recent photo of your Doodle. I will then give you FREE, no-obligation, tailor-made grooming advice, which you can also pass on to your current groomer. 

I trust that if you feel a connection with everything you read, see or hear from me, you will automatically find me 🙂

Enjoy reading!

Download your e-book HERE!

PS If after reading this e-book, you can’t wait to start taking optimal care of your Doodle’s coat in the most accessible way? Please go and check out my online Tangle Tackle course.

Please don't leave yet!

Didn’t you come here to find a solution to your Doodle’s coat problems?

Well, if you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere, because DoodleComfort is built to help you take your Doodle’s wellbeing into your own hands, STARTING with an optimal coat care!

To prove that to you I have developed a special LOW PRICED introduction course that will teach you to tackle the biggest Doodle coat care problem: tangles & mats, in the best, easiest, natural, painless, stress free and especially WITHOUT shaving in 3 steps! Teaching you unique skills (that most groomers DON’T know and use) that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Curious to find out? Be quick because this is a one time offer! 

Please click on the button below to get started TODAY!
