
Online Doodle Tangle Tackle course

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Thank you for considering purchasing the online Doodle Tangle Tackle course!
That’s the perfect 1st step to keep your Doodle tangle-free and fluffy from now on.

But I have something that might be even more perfect!

Because even though you can try the techniques with the tools you already own (and I am already grateful that you are even willing to try), I can’t guarantee your success if you do! Let’s be fair: how disappointing would it be if the skills I teach you don’t work 100% because you don’t have the right grooming tools at home? So if you decide to take the plunge and do this course, start learning new things and skills, why not go all the way and purchase the right tools that WILL guarantee your succes?

Good stuff is DEFINITELY half the battle, in every craft, including this one, so if you are still unsure whether you have the right stuff at home or if you want to immediately purchase the right tools WITH A SPECIAL DISCOUNT, then go check out my Tangle Tackle tool set right HERE! 

Rather try with your own stuff first? That’s okay too. You can always change the tools you are using now later on if you are so inclined to!

Welcome to your new DoodleComfortable life! Enjoy the course!



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Didn’t you come here to find a solution to your Doodle’s coat problems?

Well, if you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere, because DoodleComfort is built to help you take your Doodle’s wellbeing into your own hands, STARTING with an optimal coat care!

To prove that to you I have developed a special LOW PRICED introduction course that will teach you to tackle the biggest Doodle coat care problem: tangles & mats, in the best, easiest, natural, painless, stress free and especially WITHOUT shaving in 3 steps! Teaching you unique skills (that most groomers DON’T know and use) that will make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Curious to find out? Be quick because this is a one time offer! 

Please click on the button below to get started TODAY!
